Bad Company Corrupts

1st. Corinthians 15:33 talks of evil communication corrupts good manners. The leader of the free world (USA) President Trump has managed to corrupt the minds and the behavior of more than 60 million Americans, the whole Evangelical religion and all of the Republican party. It is now OK to be unkind to your fellow man; to lie and cheat as long as your taxes are cut, your wall is built and the lives of the unborn are saved. Forget about the thousands of lives being taken yearly from gun violence. Man shall not live by bread alone ( And not by every word of God) but by every gun owner’s right to bear arms.

Proverbs 6:16-19 16.These six things doth the Lord hates; yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17. A proud look, (Trump) a lying tongue (Trump), and hands that shed innocent blood, 18. An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19. A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. King James Version (kJV) Let us beware of who we call leader!!

Proverbs 6:16-19 ( 6 things the Lord Hates…)

                   There’s a reason the Lord Hates Lies 

In the USA White House those who participate in lies become liars just as our Leader is a liar so are they.  His lies will lead our nation to a place we don’t want to go and keep this Nation in a state of distrust longer than we want to stay

There are six things which the Lord hates,
Yes, seven which are an abomination [i]to Him:
17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
And hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that run rapidly to evil,
19 A false witness who utters lies,
And one who [j]spreads strife among brothers.


Happy 2018

Long time no hear!  God has done it one mo gain…He saw fit to grant some of us more time to do better.  Thank you Lord.  Give me a call if you want to spice up your relationship, start a relationship or make your relationship great in 2018!



Happy 2015 The time is now to be the change you want to see.  There’s no time like  today; lets get it started.  I heard a quote over the holidays “If you want permanent change you must change permanently”! Wow

A Nation Divided

America; still unable to live out the true meaning of its creed because a small minority continues to promote racism and prejudice.  Our nation should be world leaders in technology, industry, and education but now we have those who demonize teacher, police, government and any public servant.  They have created enemies out of all those who help make America great and are leading us into a third world existence.

So the question is what are you going to do about it?  America’s work force competes with the whole world but instead of bringing other nations standard of living up the global industry lowers the pay of Americans to that of third world.  No more middle class in American.  No EPA, no Department of Education, no Regulation and no Government therefore we have third world living standards and the loss of America’s exceptional ism.

Government, the rule of law and the bill of rights is why other seek to enter a nation where the common good of all is protected against the interest of a few.  My fellow Americans don’t forget the gains of new deal and give away our freedoms to a global economy of less for the many and more for the greedy.

My fellow Americans don’t forget the lessons of the past.  Corporate greed makes for poor people in need.  America is America because of government.  Some men got together and created protections and rights for the community as a whole and individuals in general. when there is no government to protect the rights of the many a few will destroy the whole.

Ask those living in third world countries with no government protection to trade places with you see what their response is!  Don’t be fooled United we stand divided we fall.


Choose Wisely

Win with the right male or female in your life.  From the seven biblical and seven secular male and female personalities, I’ll help you choose the right individual as your life partner.  Don’t live an arduous and  unhappy life.  With the right career and the right mate; love, joy, peace and success is only a day away.  Call life coach now!


Time waits for no man

Your time is now!  Not next week, next month or next year.  Your time is now; this moment.  Make a difference for yourself and others.  it’s what makes America so great.  Participate in America’s Democracy so we can continue to be free!  Be in the count so when the counting is done you’re counted because you count.


Society greatly promotes the slogan “You can be anything you want to be” In reality “You can be anything you’re prepared to be be”!  When preparedness (Talent, skills, knowledge, etc.) meets opportunity success happens!  Bam! Kobe Bryant, Oprah, Barack & Michelle Obama, Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Gabby Douglas (gymnast), Princess Kate Middelton, Bill & Hillary Clinton. 

I’ve missed lots of opportunities because I was unprepared.  Don’t you do the same!  If you spend your time doing nothing, you’ll live your life with nothing for nothing!



Winners do things different when what they”re doing doesn’t bring the results they want!  Those who want something different do something different!