A Nation Divided

America; still unable to live out the true meaning of its creed because a small minority continues to promote racism and prejudice.  Our nation should be world leaders in technology, industry, and education but now we have those who demonize teacher, police, government and any public servant.  They have created enemies out of all those who help make America great and are leading us into a third world existence.

So the question is what are you going to do about it?  America’s work force competes with the whole world but instead of bringing other nations standard of living up the global industry lowers the pay of Americans to that of third world.  No more middle class in American.  No EPA, no Department of Education, no Regulation and no Government therefore we have third world living standards and the loss of America’s exceptional ism.

Government, the rule of law and the bill of rights is why other seek to enter a nation where the common good of all is protected against the interest of a few.  My fellow Americans don’t forget the gains of new deal and give away our freedoms to a global economy of less for the many and more for the greedy.

My fellow Americans don’t forget the lessons of the past.  Corporate greed makes for poor people in need.  America is America because of government.  Some men got together and created protections and rights for the community as a whole and individuals in general. when there is no government to protect the rights of the many a few will destroy the whole.

Ask those living in third world countries with no government protection to trade places with you see what their response is!  Don’t be fooled United we stand divided we fall.